One of the issues that really annoys me is the fact that some RH-based distributions (RHEL, CentOS, Oracle EL, Oracle VM), name SCSI devices in the order that they find them, in the controller order.
So, if you're doing an installation on /dev/cciss/c0d0p0, but you're also connected to a SAN, it's possible that the SAN LUNs will be found before the internal disk.
The normal recommendation? To disconnect the SAN HBA fibre connections, but there's a better way:
In the initrd.img file
of the installation medium, the driver files are encapsulated. The easiest way to stop the SAN LUNs being found is to remove the SAN drivers.
ESX 3.x (probably the simplest to understand) :unalias cp 2> /dev/null
unalias rm 2> /dev/null
unalias mv 2> /dev/null
mount -o ro,loop /export/isos/esx-3.5.0_Update_1-82663.iso /mnt
cd /mnt
mkdir /tmp/esxnab
cp images/boot.iso /tmp
cd /
umount /mnt
mount -o ro,loop /tmp/boot.iso /mnt
cp /mnt/isolinux/vmlinuz /tmp/esxnab
cp /mnt/isolinux/initrd.img /tmp/esxnab
umount /mnt
cp /tmp/esxnab/initrd.img /tmp/esxnab/initrd.img.orig
gunzip < /tmp/esxnab/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd
mount -o rw,loop /tmp/initrd /mnt
mkdir /tmp/newmods
cd /tmp/newmods
gunzip < /mnt/modules/modules.cgz | cpio -id
rm rm 2.4.21-47.0.1.ELBOOT/i386/qla2*
find . | cpio -ocv | gzip -9 > /mnt/modules/modules.cgz
cd /
rm -rf /tmp/newmods
umount /mnt
gzip -9 < /tmp/initrd > /tmp/esxnab/initrd.img
RedHat RHEL 3 : mkdir /tmp/mnt1
mkdir /tmp/mnt2
mkdir /tmp/mnt3
cat /export/AS3/images/bootdisk.img > /tmp/linuxdisk1
cat /export/AS3/images/drvnet.img > /tmp/linuxdisk2
mount -o loop,rw /tmp/linuxdisk1 /tmp/mnt1
zcat < /tmp/mnt1/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd.img
mount -o loop,rw /tmp/initrd.img /tmp/mnt2
cp -Rp /tmp/mnt2 /tmp/
cd /tmp/
zcat < modules.cgz | cpio -ivd
mount -o loop,ro /tmp/linuxdisk2 /tmp/mnt3
mkdir /tmp/newmods
cd /tmp/newmods
zcat < /tmp/mnt3/modules.cgz | cpio -ivd
cp 2*BOOT/i386/*.o /tmp/*BOOT/i386/
cd /tmp/*BOOT/i386
############# REMOVE UNNECESSARY MODULES HERE #############
rm -f usb-storage.o
rm -f nfs.o sunrpc.o lockd.o
rm -f olympic.o tulip.o dl2k.o natsemi.o
rm -f acenic.o dmfe.o epic100.o ewrk3.o
rm -f ns83820.o sis900.o tlan.o via-rhine.o
rm -f fealnx.o b44.o amd8111e.o pcnet_cs.o
rm -f fbcon-vga-planes.o vga16fb.o
rm -f typhoon.o xircom_cb.o pcmcia_core.o
rm -f sr_mod.o e100.o 8139cp.o 8139too.o ds.o r8169.o
cat /tmp/mnt3/pcitable >> /tmp/mnt2/modules/pcitable
sort -u -o /tmp/mnt2/modules/pcitable /tmp/mnt2/modules/pcitable
cat /tmp/mnt3/modules.dep >> /tmp/mnt2/modules/modules.dep
sort -u -o /tmp/mnt2/modules/modules.dep /tmp/mnt2/modules/modules.dep
cat /tmp/mnt3/modinfo >> /tmp/mnt2/modules/module-info
############# EDIT MODULE INFORMATION HERE #############
vi /tmp/mnt2/modules/module-info
cd ../..
find 2*BOOT/ -print | cpio -ov -H crc | gzip -c9 > /tmp/mnt2/modules/modules.cgz
cd /tmp
umount /tmp/mnt[123]
gzip -9 /tmp/initrd.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/AS3.img bs=18k count=80
mkfs.vfat /tmp/AS3.img
syslinux /tmp/AS3.img
mount -o rw,loop /tmp/AS3.img /tmp/mnt1
cp /tmp/initrd.img.gz /tmp/mnt1/initrd.img
cp /export/configs/files/AS3/* /tmp/mnt1
cd /tmp
umount /tmp/mnt1
rm -rf /tmp/newmods
rm -f /tmp/initrd.img.gz /tmp/initrd.img
rmdir /tmp/mnt[123]
rm -rf /tmp/
rm -f /tmp/linuxdisk?
cp AS3.img /export/NAB/kickstart_images/
RedHat RHEL 4 : cp /export/AS4/images/pxeboot/initrd.img /export/AS4/images/pxeboot/initrd.img.orig
cp /export/AS4/RedHat/base/netstg2.img /export/AS4/RedHat/base/netstg2.img.orig
cp /export/AS4/images/boot.iso /export/AS4/images/boot.iso.orig
# initrd
gunzip < /export/AS4/images/pxeboot/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd
mount -o loop /tmp/initrd /mnt
sed 's/"e1000"/"ignore"/;s/"qla.*"/"ignore"/' < /mnt/modules/pcitable > /tmp/x
cat /tmp/x > /mnt/modules/pcitable
umount /mnt
gzip -9 < /tmp/initrd > /export/AS4/images/pxeboot/initrd.img
rm -f /tmp/initrd /tmp/x
# netstg2
mount -o ro,loop /export/AS4/RedHat/base/netstg2.img /mnt
mkdir /tmp/test
(cd /mnt ; find . -print | cpio -dump /tmp/test)
umount /mnt
sed 's/"e1000"/"ignore"/;s/"qla.*"/"ignore"/' < /tmp/test/modules/pcitable \
> /tmp/x
cat /tmp/x > /tmp/test/modules/pcitable
mkcramfs /tmp/test /tmp/netstg2.img
\cp /tmp/netstg2.img /export/AS4/RedHat/base/
rm -rf /tmp/netstg2.img /tmp/test /tmp/x
# make bootable cdimage:
mount -o ro,loop /export/AS4/images/boot.iso /mnt
mkdir /tmp/test
(cd /mnt ; find . -print | cpio -dump /tmp/test)
umount /mnt
\cp /export/AS4/images/pxeboot/initrd.img /tmp/test/isolinux/
printf "label kickstart\n kernel vmlinuz\n append initrd=initrd.img \
ramdisk_size=8192 text nofb ks=\
configs/ks4.cfg\n" >> /tmp/test/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
sed 's/^default .*/default kickstart/' < /tmp/test/isolinux/isolinux.cfg \
> /tmp/x
cat /tmp/x > /tmp/test/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
printf "\x0C\n\n - To install Linux, wait 60 seconds, or press \x00F0f
\x00F07.\n\n\x00F02[F1-Main] [F2-Options] [F3-General] [F4-Kernel] \
[F5-Rescue]\x00F07\n" > /tmp/test/isolinux/boot.msg
(cd /tmp/test ; mkisofs -o /tmp/boot.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table . )
\cp /tmp/boot.iso /export/AS4/images/
rm -rf /tmp/test /tmp/boot.iso /tmp/x
ESX 2.1 :
unalias rm
unalias cp
unalias mv
mkdir /tmp/mnt{1,2,3}
mount -o loop,ro /export/ESX210/images/bootnet.img /tmp/mnt1
mount -o loop,ro /export/ESX210/images/drvnet.img /tmp/mnt2
zcat < /tmp/mnt1/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd.img
mount -o loop,rw /tmp/initrd.img /tmp/mnt3
cp -Rp /tmp/mnt3 /tmp/
cd /tmp/
zcat < modules.cgz | cpio -ivd
mkdir /tmp/newmods
cd /tmp/newmods
zcat < /tmp/mnt2/modules.cgz | cpio -ivd
#### drvnet is wrong here. Contains 2.4.9-13BOOT directory
### cp 2*BOOT/*.o /tmp/*BOOT
cp *.o /tmp/*BOOT
cd /tmp/*BOOT
############# REMOVE UNNECESSARY MODULES HERE #############
rm -f 3c501.o 3c503.o 3c505.o 3c507.o 3c515.o
rm -f usb*.o hid.o
rm -f abyss.o ibmtr.o lanstreamer.o olympic.o plip.o tmspci.o
rm -f nfs.o sunrpc.o lockd.o
rm -f tulip*.o depca.o de4x5.o
rm -f de600.o de620.o dgrs.o dl2k.o natsemi.o
rm -f 82596.o ac3200.o acenic.o arlan.o at1700.o dmfe.o e2100.o epic100.o
rm -f es3210.o eth16i.o ewrk3.o hamachi.o hp.o hp-plus.o hp100.o lance.o
rm -f lne390.o ne3210.o ni5010.o ni52.o ni65.o ns83820.o sis900.o sk98lin.o
rm -f sundance.o sunhme.o tlan.o via-rhine.o wavelan.o wd.o winbond-840.o
rm -f yellowfin.o
rm -f parport*.o
rm -f cs89x0.o tms380tr.o
cat /tmp/mnt2/pcitable > /tmp/pcitable
cat /tmp/mnt3/modules/pcitable >> /tmp/pcitable
egrep -v '"3c90x"|"8139too"|"aic7xxx"|"bcm5700"|"e100"|"e1000"|"megaraid"|"ne2k-pci"|"pcnet32"' /tmp/pcitable | awk -F'\t' '{if (NF==4) {print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" "\"ignore\"" "\t" $4} else if (NF==6) {print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" "\"ignore\"" "\t" $6}}' > /tmp/pcitable.ignore
sort -u -o /tmp/pcitable.ignore /tmp/pcitable.ignore
egrep '"3c90x"|"8139too"|"aic7xxx"|"bcm5700"|"e100"|"e1000"|"megaraid"|"ne2k-pci"|"pcnet32"' /tmp/pcitable > /tmp/pcitable.keep
cat /tmp/pcitable.keep /tmp/pcitable.ignore > /tmp/mnt3/modules/pcitable
cat /tmp/mnt2/modules.dep >> /tmp/mnt3/modules/modules.dep
sort -u -o /tmp/mnt3/modules/modules.dep /tmp/mnt3/modules/modules.dep
cat /tmp/mnt2/modinfo >> /tmp/mnt3/modules/module-info
############# EDIT MODULE INFORMATION HERE #############
vi /tmp/mnt3/modules/module-info
cd /tmp/
find 2*BOOT/ -print | cpio -ov -H crc | gzip -c9 > /tmp/mnt3/modules/modules.cgz
cp /export/configs/ksesx210.cfg /tmp/mnt3/ks.cfg
sed 's/50000/10000/' < /export/configs/ksesx210.cfg > /tmp/mnt3/kssmall.cfg
cd /tmp
umount /tmp/mnt{1,2,3}
gzip -9 /tmp/initrd.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/ESX210.img bs=18k count=80
mkfs.vfat /tmp/ESX210.img
syslinux /tmp/ESX210.img
mount -o rw,loop /tmp/ESX210.img /tmp/mnt1
cp /tmp/initrd.img.gz /tmp/mnt1/initrd.img
cp /export/configs/files/ESX210/* /tmp/mnt1
cd /tmp
umount /tmp/mnt1
rm -rf /tmp/newmods
rm -f /tmp/initrd.img.gz /tmp/initrd.img
rm -f /tmp/pcitable*
rmdir /tmp/mnt[123]
rm -rf /tmp/
mv /tmp/ESX210.img /export/NAB/kickstart_images/
cd /tftpboot